2024 Publications

Mii, A. E., Erskine, B. S., Willis, M. C., Draft, D., Sonnen, E., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2024). Adverse Childhood Experiences among Adolescent Girls in Residential Treatment: Relationship with Trauma Symptoms, Substance Use, and Delinquency. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-024-00654-1 

Erskine, B.S., May, G.C., Hansen, D.J. (2024). Child maltreatment: Socioeconomic stressors. In T.K. Shackelford (Ed), Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85493-5_2192-1

Mii, A. E., Coffey, H. M., McCoy, K., Sonnen, E., Meidlinger, K., Huit, T. Z., May, G. C., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2024). Sleep, emotional, and behavioral problems among youth presenting to treatmentfollowing sexual abuse. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 17, 411-423. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-023-00590-6

2023 Publications

Draft, D., Mii, A. E., Boohar, E., & Hansen, D. J. (2023). Child maltreatment by teachers: Sexual abuse. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85493-5_245-1

Erskine, B. S., May, G. C., & Hansen, D. J. (2023). Child maltreatment: Socioeconomic stressors. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence. Springer.

Mii, A. E., Coffey, H. M., McCoy, K., Sonnen, E., Meidlinger, K., Huit, T. Z., May, G., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2023). Sleep, emotional, and behavioral problems among youth presenting to treatment following sexual abuse. Journal of Child and Adolescent Traumahttps://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-023-00590-6

2022 Publications

Schreier, A., & Hansen, D. J. (2022). Family violence and public policy: Existing trends and emerging needs. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2022.101724

McCoy, K., Sonnen, E., Mii, A. E., Huit, T.Z., Meidlinger, K., Coffey, H. M., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2022). Helping families following sibling sexual abuse: Practical challenges, treatment recommendations, and policy advocacy. Aggression and Violent Behavior.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2021.101652

Schreier, A., Coffey, H. M., May, G., & Hansen, D. J. (2022). Financing mental health services at Child Advocacy Centers for victims of child sexual abuse and their families. Aggression and Violent Behaviorhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2021.101638

2021 Publications

Grandgenett, H. M., Pittenger, S. L., Dworkin, E. R., & Hansen, D. J. (2021). Telling a trusted adult: Factors associated with the likelihood of disclosing child sexual abuse prior to and during a forensic interview.  Child Abuse and Neglect116, 104193. doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.104193

Mii, A. E., McCoy, K., Coffey, H. M., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2021). Pathway to expectations of child functioning following sexual abuse: Caregiver maltreatment history and depressive symptoms. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605211043582

Mii, A. E., Coffey, H. M., Huit, T. Z., McCoy, K., May, G., Meidlinger, K., Sonnen, E., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2021). Adolescent sexual re-offending within the family: Challenges in risk assessment, prevention of recidivism, and family reunification. The Behavior Therapist, 44(5), 231-236. 

2020 Publications 

Mii, A. E., McCoy, K., Coffey, H. M., Meidlinger, K., Sonnen, E., Huit, T. Z., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2020). Attention problems and comorbid symptoms following child sexual abuse. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 29(8). https://doi.org/10.1080/10538712.2020.1841353

McCoy, K., Tibbs, J. J., DeKraai, M., & Hansen, D. J. (2020). Household dysfunction and adolescent substance use: Moderating effects of family, community, and school. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/1067828X.2020.1837320

Theimer, K., Mii, A. E., Sonnen, E., McCoy, K., Meidlinger, K., Biles, B., Huit, T. Z., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2020). Identifying and addressing barriers to treatment for child sexual abuse survivors and their non-offending caregivers. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 101418.

2018 Publications

Theimer, K., & Hansen, D. J. (2018). Child sexual abuse: Stigmatization of victims and suggestions for clinicians. the Behavior Therapist, 41, 213-219.

 Theimer, K., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2018). Child physical abuse and neglect. In V. B. Van Hasselt & M. L. Bourke (Eds.), Handbook of behavioral criminology: Contemporary strategies and issues (pp. 365-379). New York, NY: Springer.

2017 Publications

Theimer, K., & Hansen, D. J. (2017). Attributions of blame in a hypothetical child sexual abuse case: Roles of behavior problems and frequency of abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence35, 2142–2163.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517716943

Hubel, G. S., Schreier, A., Wilcox, B. L., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2017)  Increasing participation and improving engagement in early intervention:  A qualitative study of Early Head Start parent perspectives.  Infants and Young Children, 30, 94-107.

2016 Publications

Pittenger, S. L., Huit, T. Z., & Hansen, D. J. (2016). Applying ecological systems theory to sexual revictimization of youth: A review with implications for research and practice. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 26, 35-45

Schreier, A., Pogue, J. K., & Hansen, D. J.  (2016).   Impact of child sexual abuse on non-abused siblings: A review with implications for research and practice.  Aggression and Violent Behavior.  Advance online.  doi:10.1016/j.avb.2016.11.011

Pittenger, S. L., Schreier, A., Meidlinger, K., Pogue, J. K., Theimer, K., Flood, M. F., … Hansen, D. J. (2016). Psychological distress and revictimization risk in youth victims of sexual abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online. doi:10.1177/0886260516658755

West, T., Schreier, A., & Hansen, D. J. Relaxation training (2016). In D. W. Nangle, D. J. Hansen, R. L. Grover, J. N. Kingery, & C. Suveg. Core Elements of Evidence Based Treatments for Internalizing Disorders in Children and Adolescents. New York, NY: Guilford Press. 

2015 Publications

Kingery, J. N, Grover, R. L., Hansen, D. J., Nangle, D. W., Suveg, C., & Mychailyszyn, M. P. (2015). Developmentally sensitive implementation of core elements of evidence- based treatments: Practical strategies for youth with internalizing disorders. The Behavior therapist, 38, 116-122. 

Pittenger, S. L., Van Dyk, T., Schreier, A., Haikalis, M., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2015). Strengthening mental health consultation in Early Head Start: Recommendations for maximizing effectiveness and supporting home visitors. NHSA Dialog: The Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 18.

2014 Publications

Hubel, G. S., Campbell, C., West, T., Friedenberg, S., Schreier, A., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2014). Child advocacy center based group treatment for child sexual abuse: Initial symptom presentation, outcomes, and social validity. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 23, 3.

Sawyer, G. K., & Hansen, D. J. (2014). Heterogeneous symptom patterns of sexually abused youth treatment: Understanding the complexity of the problem. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 23, 900-917. 

2013 Publications

Friedenberg, S. L., Hansen, D. J., & Flood, M. F. (2013).  Epidemiology of child and adolescent sexual abuse.  In D. S. Bromberg & W. T. O’Donohue (Eds.), Handbook of child and adolescent sexuality:  Developmental and forensic psychology.  New York:  Elsevier. 

Hubel, G. S., Schreier, A., Hansen, D. J., & Wilcox, B. (2013). A case study of the effects of privatization of child welfare on services for children and families: The Nebraska experience. Children and Youth Services Review, 35, 2049-2058.

Yancey, C. T., Naufel, K. Z., & Hansen, D. J. (2013). The relationship of personal, family, and abuse-specific factors to children's clinical presentation following childhood sexual abuse. Journal of Family Violence, 28, 31-42. 


2011 Publications

Hubel, G.S., Maldonado, R.C., Tavkar, P., Hansen, D.J., & Flood, M.F. (2011). Group treatment for a sexually abused child and a nonoffending caregiver: Case study and discussion. Clinical Case Studies, 10, 360-375.

Tavkar, P., & Hansen, D.J. (2011). Interventions for families victimized by child sexual abuse: Clinical issues and approaches for child advocacy center-based services. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16, 188-199.

Wilson, K.R., Hansen, D.J., & Li, M. (2011). The neuropsychological effects of traumatic stressresponse in maltreated children. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16, 87-97.

Yancey, T.Y., Hansen, D.J., & Naufel, K. (2011). Heterogeneity of individuals with a history of child sexual abuse: An examination of children and their parents. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 20(2), 1-17.

2010 Publications

Anderson, E.R., Veed, G.J., Inderbitzen-Nolan, H.M., & Hansen, D.J. (2010). An evaluation of the applicability of the tripartite constructs to social anxiety in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 39, 195-207.

Asawa, L. E., Campbell, C., & Yancey, C. T. (2010). Adolescent self-report measures. In D. W. Nangle, D. J. Hansen, C. A. Erdley, & P. J. Norton (Eds.), Practitioner’s guide to empirically based measures of social skills. New York: Springer.

Campbell, C., Hansen, D. J., & Nangle, D. W. (2010). Social skills and psychological adjustment. In D. W. Nangle, D. J. Hansen, C. A. Erdley, & P. J. Norton (Eds.), Practitioner’s guide to empirically based measures of social skills. New York: Springer.

Elkovitch, N., & Hansen, D.J. (2010). Child sexual abuse. In S. Goldstein & J. Naglieri (Eds.), Encyclopedia of child behavior and development. New York: SPringer.

Hubel, G.S., Flood, M.F., & Hansen, D.J. (2010). Sexually and physically abused children. In D.L. Segal & M. Hersen (Eds.), Diagnostic interviewing (4th Ed., pp. 443-466). New York: Springer.

Martin, E. K., Campbell, C., & Hansen, D. J. (2010). Child sexual abuse. In J. C. Thomas & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of clinical psychology competencies, volume III: Intervention and treatment for children and adolescents. New York: Springer Publishing.

Smith, A.J., Jordan, J.A., Flood, M.F., & Hansen, D.J. (2010). Social skills interventions. In D.W. Nangle, D.J. Hansen, C.A. Erdley, & P.J. Norton (Eds.), Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of social skills (pp. 99-115). New York: Springer.

Yancey, C.T., & Hansen, D.J. (2010). Relationship of personal, familial, and abuse-specific factors with outcome following child sexual abuse. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15, 410-421.

2009 Publications

Elkovitch, N., Latzman, R., Hansen, D.J., & Flood, M.F. (2009). Understanding child sexual behavior problems: A developmental psychopathology framework. Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 586-598.

Kouyoumdjian, H., Perry, A.R., & Hansen, D.J. (2009). Nonoffending parent expectations of sexually abused children: Predictive factors and influence on children's recovery. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 18, 40-60.

2008 Publications

Asawa, L. E., Hansen, D. J., & Flood, M. F. (2008). Early childhood intervention programs: Opportunities and challenges for preventing child maltreatment. Education and Treatment of Children, 31, 73-110.

Hansen, D.J., & Wilson, K.R. (2008). Child sexual abuse. In B.L. Cutler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law (pp. 85-89). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

2006 Publications

Cronch, L. E., Viljoen, J., & Hansen, D. J. (2006). Forensic interviewing in child sexual abuse cases: Current techniques and future directions. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11, 195-207. 

Masia-Warner, C., Nangle, D.W., & Hansen, D.J. (2006). Bringing evidence-based child mental health services to the schools: General issues and specific populations. Education and Treatment of Children, 29, 165-172.

Sartin, R.M., Hansen, D.J., & Huss, M.T. (2006). Domestic violence treatment response and recidivism: A review and implications for the study of family violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 11, 425-440.

Sawyer, G. K., Tsao, E. H., Hansen, D. J., & Flood, M. F. (2006). Weekly Problems Scales: Instruments for sexually abused youth and their nonoffending parents in treatment. Child Maltreatment, 11, 34-48.

2005 Publications

Kouyoumdjian, H., Perry, A. R., & Hansen, D. J. (2005). The role of adult expectations on the recovery of sexually abused children. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 10, 475-489.

2004 Publications

Hsu, E., Ewoldt, C., & Hansen, D. J. (2004). Understanding the Mental Health Needs of Southeast Asian Refugees: Historical, cultural, and contextual challenges. Clinical Psychology Review, 24, 193-213.

1993 - 2003 Publications 

Kouyoumdjian, H., Zamboanga, B. L., & Hansen, D. J. (2003). Barriers to mental health services for Latinos: Treatment and research considerations. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 10, 394-422.

Futa, K. T., Nash, C. L., Hansen, D. J., & Garbin, C. P. (2003). Adult survivors of childhood abuse: An analysis of coping mechanisms used for stressful childhood memories and current stressors. Journal of Family Violence, 18, 227-239.

Holguin, G., & Hansen, D. J. (2003). The "sexually abused child": Potential mechanisms and adverse influences of such a label. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 8, 645-670.

Hsu, E., Sedlar, G., Flood, M. F., & Hansen, D. J. (2002). Child sexual abuse. In M. Hersen (Ed.), Clinical behavior therapy: Adults and children (pp. 449-473). New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Paine, M., & Hansen, D. J. (2002). Factors influencing children to self-disclose sexual abuse. Clinical Psychology Review, 22, 271-295.

Futa, K. T., Hsu, E., & Hansen, D. J. (2001). Child sexual abuse in Asian-American families: An examination of cultural factors that influence prevalence, identification, and treatment. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 8, 189-209

Hecht, D. B., & Hansen, D. J. (2001). The environment of child maltreatment: Contextual factors and the development of psychopathology. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 6, 433-457.

Sedlar, G., & Hansen, D. J. (2001). Anger, stress, and child behavior problems: Further evaluation of the Parental Anger Inventory. Journal of Family Violence, 16, 361-373.

Hansen, D. J., Zamboanga, B. L., & Sedlar, G. (2000). Cognitive behavior therapy with ethnic-minority adolescents: Broadening our perspectives. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 7 , 54-60.

Hansen, D. J. (Editor) (2000). Motivation and Child Maltreatment: The 46th Annual Nebraska Symposium on Motivation . Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Hansen, D. J., Sedlar, G., & Warner-Rogers, J. E. (1999). Assessment of child physical abuse. In R. T. Ammerman & M. Hersen (Eds.), Assessment of family violence: A clinical and legal sourcebook (2nd ed., pp. 127-156). New York: Wiley.

Hecht, D. B., & Hansen, D. J. (1999). Adolescent victims and intergenerational issues in sexual abuse. In V. B. Van Hasselt and M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of psychological approaches with violent criminal offenders . New York: Plenum.

Warner-Rogers, J. E., Hansen, D. J., & Hecht, D. B. (1999). Child physical abuse and neglect. In V. B. Van Hasselt and M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of psychological approaches with violent criminal offenders . New York: Plenum.

Hansen, D. J., Hecht, D., & Futa, K. T. (1998). Child sexual abuse. In V. B. Van Hasselt & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of psychological treatment protocols for children and adolescents (pp. 153-178). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Hansen, D. J., Warner-Rogers, J. E., & Hecht, D. B. (1998). Effectiveness of individualized behavioral intervention for maltreating families. In J. R. Lutzker (Ed.), Handbook of child abuse research and treatment (pp. 133-158) New York: Plenum.

Flood, M. F., Hansen, D. J., & Kalichman, S. C. (1998). Ecological perspectives on maternal decisions regarding HIV-exposed infants. Children and Services: Social Policy, Research, and Practice, 1, 39-61.

Lundquist, L. M., & Hansen, D. J. (1998). Enhancing treatment adherence, generalization, and social validity of parent-training with physically abusive and neglectful families. In J. R. Lutzker (Ed.), Handbook of child abuse research and treatment (pp. 449-471). New York: Plenum.

Bumby, K. M., & Hansen, D. J. (1997). Intimacy deficits, fear of intimacy, and loneliness among sexual offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 24, 315-331.

Hansen, D. J., Bumby, K. M., Lundquist, L. M., Chandler, R. M., Le, P. T., & Futa, K. T. (1997). Factors that influence identification and reporting of child maltreatment: A study of licensed psychologists and certified Masters social workers. Journal of Family Violence, 12, 313-332.

DeRoma, V. M., Hansen, D. J., D'Amico, P., & Tishelman, A. C. (1997). Influence of information related to child physical abuse on professional ratings of adjustment and prognosis. Child Abuse and Neglect, 21, 295-308.

Hecht, D. B., Hansen, D. J., & Chandler, R. M. (1997). Parental anger towards children: Assessment issues in child maltreatment . East Lansing, MI: National Center for Research on Teacher Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. CG 027 748).

Esseks, R. J., & Hansen, D. J. (1996). Review of "Angry all the time: An emergency guide to anger control." Journal of Family Violence, 11, 423-424.

Hansen, D. J., Pallotta, G. M., Christopher, J. S., Conaway, R. L., & Lundquist, L. M. (1995). The Parental Problem-Solving Measure: Further evaluation with maltreating and nonmaltreating parents. Journal of Family Violence, 10, 319-336.

Hansen, D. J., & Hecht, D. B. (1995). A periodic update on current issues and procedures in behavior modification. Contemporary Psychology, 40, 1103-1104.

Hansen, D. J., & Bumby, K. M. (1994). Involuntary clients and involuntary practitioners: Legal, ethical, and effective practice. Contemporary Psychology, 39, 535-536.

Malinosky-Rummell, R., & Hansen, D. J. (1993). Long-term consequences of childhood physical abuse. Psychological Bulletin, 114, 68-79.